For Oily Skin:
*Soak about 4-5 almonds (Badam) in water for whole night, next day make it as paste with half table spoon honey. Apply this paste to your face as mask. After 20 minutes clean with cold water, your face skin will be glowing instantly.
*Cedar wood and sandalwood oil- Mix 2-3 drops of these two oils and gently massage over the face and neck areas. The classic combination of these two essential oils has a soothing effect and is an excellent skin conditioner for oily skin
*Clay mask is said to give maximum benefit to the oily skin for its deep cleansing properties.
*Make a facial scrub with 2 tablespoon almond meal, 1 tablespoon ground lemon rind and 3-4 tablespoon milk. Gently scrub your face and get rid of the excess oil.
*Follow up the cleanser with an astringent as this will remove all excess oil.
For Dry Skin:
*Take equal amount each of Melon, Pumpkin, Cucumber and Watermelon and make a paste of these.Then blend it with milk cream and apply it on your face.After 1 hr rinse your face with plane water.
*Use rose water because rose water works as an astringent for your skin, so that your skin will get rid of dryness. As soon you apply rose water on dry skin, the dryness will go forever.
*Mash and beat ½ banana and add to it 1 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp sour cream. Blend all the ingredients and apply on your face for ten minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.
*Apply fresh fruits juices and pulps on your skin to give it natural moisturizing. Fresh fruit juice hydrates the skin.
*Honey is natural humectants and moisturizer for all type of skin. It can be applied over sensitive skin also as it does not irritate the skin.
*Beat milk and egg yolk to form a frothy and creamy consistency. Apply it now and then to give your dry skin a protein moisturizing.
For Normal Skin:
*Pour a little honey into the palm of your hand and add some whole milk powder, mixing to form a gel. Use as you would any shower gel.
*Mix a tablespoon of liquid whole milk with 1/4 teaspoon almond oil. Apply a thin layer of this mixture to a clean face and allow to dry. Apply a second layer and allow to dry. Apply a third layer and allow to dry. Finally, apply a fourth layer and allow to dry. Once mask is hard and dry, wash off with a washcloth and lots of warm water.
*Mix 1 teaspoon powdered skim milk with 1 teaspoon honey. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice, and gently massage face with this mixture. Rinse thoroughly.
For Glowing Skin:
*Make a paste of 2 table spoons of cream (malai), 1½ table spoons of Ata (wheat flour ) and few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 5 minutes, then remove it and wash.
*Try rubbing a piece of papaya on your face and neck for 15 minutes. It makes your face glow live ever before.
*Mix two parts pure rose water with one part good quality glycerin. Massage into the facial skin in circular motion every night. It is a night lotion for face glow.
*One of the reasons that take away the glow from face is excessive make-up. Remember to remove the make-up before going to bed as it will help your skin to breathe.
*Wash your face at least twice in a day. This helps to clean the pores of skin. An additional tip for this would be to wash the face with mineral water.